Monday, August 21, 2006

Day 3: 16.7 (Sun) 北海道大學 revisit + 小樽

As the travel package includes only 2 nights of hotel accommodation (actually I don't really like staying at hotels--it's expensive and boring), I dragged my luggage to a youth hostel the first thing in the morning where I would spend the last night in Sapporo.

Sapporo International Youth Hostel:

Hakkaido University
I parked my luggage there and started my third day with a revisit to Hokkaido University. I really like that place! It really fits in my schema of a real university--patches after patches of green area, historic yet classy buildings with worn-off exterior, statues standing at different spots silently telling the history of the place, people strolling around enjoying themselves.


After the morning walking tour at Hokkaido University, I took the train to Otaku. As I didn't sleep well in the past couple of nights (because of the sandy pillow and the creepy feeling of staying at a novel place), I quickly dozed off once I settled down. In fact I had an energizing nap on the train. When I opened my eyes again, I was just 15 minutes away from my destination.

The first thing that I did was to head to Sushi Masha (壽司政) for lunch.

After that, I nosed around the streets lined with interesting shops.

(Rich yam ice-cream ^^ Lovely!)

(A tree hanging lots of glass pearls)

(A workshop showing passers-by how to make glass)

(Another favourite of mine--Hokkaido melon)

(A music box at the entrance of a shop)

I was a bit disappointed with the Otaru Canal. It's rather short and actually not special.

Last night in Sapporo

On the train back to Sapporo, I met a traveller from Tokyo. The train journey passed quickly with a nice chat.

I seized another chance to experience the last-minute stock clearing sale at the department store. It was rather exciting in fact. The salespersons holding mics and amplifiers started to lower their price 30 minutes before the closing time. The price was further reduced with every minute passing. If you're lucky enough, you could get something very decent at an attractive price.

(That's what I got from the supermarket :))

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Day 2: 15.7 (Sat) 暴走札幌

昨晚睡得不太好。一個人住酒店始終有點害怕 ^_^" 而且酒店的枕頭很「沙」,很不舒服。

今天 dress up 去逛街,很爽啊~~ 日本全國正被一大片雨雲帶籠罩著,所以今天整日都很陰暗。不過,不用被太陽曬天氣又涼浸浸的,很舒服呢 ^^



我這個方向白痴雖然成功找到了在地鐵站旁的電視塔(其實一點也不困難,除非你有視障),但要從電視塔走到時計台卻十分困難(雖然這兩個景點很近)。當我拿著地圖迷茫地站在路中心時,有位伯伯走到我的身邊用日文跟我說話。我惟有用我有限的日文對他說:su-mi-ma-sen wa-ta-shi wa ni-hon-go ga ha-na-se-ma-sen(對不起,我不懂說日文)。我指著時計台的位置,示意我想到那裡。他說了一段日文,然後著我跟他走。一路上他不停地跟我說話,可是我只聽得懂一、兩句。以我有限的日文,我只可以表達到「我是從香港來的旅客」及「我是一個人旅行的」這兩句。









要在這裡特別一提這個在 Lotteria 買的奶昔,因為在這十五天的旅程中,我經常買這個來喝。












就這樣,我安全地到達羊之丘瞭望台。: )



第九站:JR Tower



這是 JR 站外飲食街的其中一個入口。



Friday, August 11, 2006

Day 1: 14.7 (Friday) Hong Kong --> Tokyo --> Sapporo

I didn't sleep until early morning so as to do my last minute luggage packing (I'm the last-minute type of person). It seemed that my luggage was already laden with clothes, toiletries and silly stuff (like a torch which I hadn't even touched it during my trip) before I even set my foot in Japan. Anyway, I had been waiting for this day for a long time and my adrenaline made me a bit tense (or the other way round)--I always thought I had left something important behind. In fact, I had a mixed feeling--a bit worried (coz it's my first time travelling alone and I didn't have a travel plan yet), a bit excited (I was looking forward to some exciting experience) and a bit depressed (I always felt that way... personality problem).

It's very sunny when I woke up which was completely out of my expectation since the weather forecast said it would be an overcast day and heavy rain was coming. So as a sunscreen freak, I felt uncomfortable with just a flimsy coat of sunscreen on my face and my hands and neck vigorously exposed to the intense sunlight.

So far, Hong Kong Internatinal Airport has been my favourite airport, but there is one thing that I don't like--that's the toilet. The airport toilets are all auto-flushed (I couldn't find any manual flush buttons). And the stupid part is, the toilets will not flush itself until you have entirely left the cubicle for 3-4 seconds. So when I walked out from the cubicle after I had used the toilet at the airport, a lady (I guess she was Japanese) wanted to walk in and intended to flush the toilet for me. I stopped her immediately and told her in English: "I think you gotta wait for a while as the toilet will not flush after a few seconds. You know, it's an auto-flushing thing."

She didn't seem to get me and gave me a confused look. And as we were standing near the cubicle, the stupid sensor thought there were still people in there and didn't do the flushing. She then turned to another toilet. Ohno... she must have thought I was an uncivilised HK girl who didn't flush the toilet after use and held others back from using it...

* * * * * * *

The ANA flight was OK. I had reserved the window seat next to the emergancy exit, so I could enjoy a luxurious amount of leg space. I could even stretch my legs ^O^

* * * * * * *

The efficiency of the immigration officers in Japan was really, really low. I had been waiting in the line for almost an hour before I could finally get the immigration stamp on my passport.

After a 5-hour flight to Tokyo, the first thing I did was to buy a bottle of green tea and a novel--I had just found out that I couldn't survive the flight or train trip with just travel books.

My favourite ^^: Green tea--rich flavour

That is a series of Mt. Fuji products at the airport.

There were not many choices of English novels at the airport book store. They only stock top bestsellers (most of the readable which I had already read).

They would wrap novels like this:

That is the autobiography of Helen Keller. A very touching book indeed. It gave me a flow of warm feeling during the flight trip and helped me through the waiting hours at the airport.


The domestic flight to Sapporo was delayed for an hour, so by the time I arrived at the hotel, it was 9:30 pm already and I was starving! I took the metro to Susukino (薄野) and looked for something nice to eat.

Susukino was a Mongkok-like district where streets were bazzing with trendy looking, dyed-haired people and lined with restaurants and high buildings. I must have been too tired as a walk at Susukino made me feel sick.

I headed to the ramen street and got in a small shop. That was the Sapporo-style seafood ramen I ordered. That piece of butter was wonderful!

I was thrilled after the first spoon of soup--it had a really rich seafood flavour. The scallops were really fresh and the piece of pork was so tender that it melted the instant it rested on my tongue. That was the best ramen I had in my trip! And that's why it cost more than HK$100...

That is the new 24-hour shopping mall in Susukino (actually, only rsetaurants operate 24 hours a day). The Japanese are really obsessed with ferris wheels. There must at least be one in major cities.

I headed back to the hotel after a short walk in Susukino and planned my trip for the next day.