Sunday, July 08, 2007

Day 4: 17.7 (Mon) 富良野

Sapporo International Youth Hostel is indeed a wonderful place (there are 2 youth hostels in Sapporo. Look for this one as the other one is a bit old). It's conveniently located, well-equipped, cheap, new and clean. What's more important, the bed and pillow were soft and comfortable! I had a sweet sleep that night :)

Furano and Bibaushi
I left in the very morning to catch an early train to Furano. I left my luggage at Liberty Youth Hostel at Bibaushi where I would spend two nights and then took the Lavender Express to Farm Tomita.

Liberty Youth Hostel

(Situated just next to the train station, it looks like one of the wooden houses in Britain. A lovely place.)

Farm Tomita
I marvelled with others on the train at the breathtaking scene of Farm Tomita afar. Stripes of different flowers sparkled like a rainbow in the sun. However, the weather deteriorated rapidly. By the time I arrived at the farm, the sunlight had already been blocked by a thick blanket of clouds. I could even smell a rainstorm coming.

I had my late lunch at the food stalls there. I loved the freshly baked melon bun so much that I had finished it before I remembered to take a photo of it.

Before I could take enough photos, rain started to pelt down and didn't stop until midnight.

I wanted to visit some parks in Furano but my mood was totally ruined as I was drenched in rain. But it warmed my heart that people were nice to me.
I still remember I was waiting for the train heading back to the hostel alone at a small train stop in the late afternoon. It was raining cats and dogs and I had to hide myself in a shelter. It's really rural and I couldn't spot any human beings in sight. Suddenly, a car stopped near the train stop and a man walked out of the car toward me. I thought he wanted to offer help but I couldn't understand his Japanese. I told him I was fine and was waiting for the train to the hostel. I was not sure if he understood what I said but he said some Japanese then left.
Anyway, I took a warm bath right after I was back at the hostel and had a nice chat with others at night.


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